Want to take control of your eating habits?
Tried countless diets to lose weight?
Feeling down and frustrated by repeated setbacks?
Start a new healthy way of living and before you know it your old habits appear again?
Tired from counting calories or trying the latest quick fix diet.
Ready to discover a new approach to losing weight?

Hypnotherapy can help you use the power of your unconscious mind to remove any resistance that’s been holding you back from reaching your desired weight. It can also help you change any limiting beliefs that have been standing in the way of your weight loss goals, helping you take back control that the positive changes are here to stay.

With an individual tailored plan, I can help guide you to reach your desired weight. Whether it’s dropping a dress size, losing a few pounds, getting fitter. Hypnotherapy can use the resources of your unconscious mind to achieve your goals.

Have you been struggling to lose weight? Does this sound familiar?

Crave sugary, high calorie foods?

Eat when not hungry?

Use food as a reward or comfort?

Eat when stressed, bored or lonely?

Problem with portion control?

Have constant food battles in your mind?

Feel guilty when you give in to temptation?

Start with enthusiasm but lose motivation quickly?

The problem with diets is that they focus on giving something up. Hypnotherapy can help reframe your relationship with food and address what’s been missing to give you the confidence and self-belief to eat better, move more and live healthier.

Feel positive and confident about your weight loss goals

Appreciate your body and feel good about yourself

Change the way you think about food

Eliminate emotional eating

Overcome sugar cravings

Reach your desired weight

Are you ready to make CHANGE? Ready to feel like YOU again?